
Showing posts from 2019

How We Work

How Tithandizane Charity Works Our Community Based Rehabilitation Worker is told about patients by health staff in the area, schools and other members of the local community. Disability Outreach Manager and the CBR worker then visit to make an assessment and find simple solutions to the problems identified. The Project’s Future and What It Costs By donating to this project, you will help to support the work of our Community Based Rehabilitation workers, without whose skills many people living with disabilities in the local area would continue to suffer. A donation of £42 ( $60) provides vital support to three beneficiaries and their families. Your donation would fund patient referrals, basic mobility aids, rehabilitation equipment, and transport. Some medical cases, however (such as critical operations or specialist equipment like prosthetics), cannot fit within our project budget — and in these cases, we will need donors to make a special commitment to fundr

Living conditions of the disabled

HOME OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES In the villages of Traditional Authority Njombwa,there is a high prevalence rate  of Poor living conditions of people with disabilities,since there are no positive interventions towards such conditions,people are becoming very prone to environmental conditions,each day and 94% of them are excluded from developmental activities happening in their villages,others are excluded from taking part into Income generating activities. As a result,these  factors are acting as barriers to economic and social development of their villages.while such acts are happening,Tithandizane Charity Organization is Organizing and advocating for full civil and human rights at district level where it is making sure that the mandates and rights of persons with disabilities are being granted equally and have the frredom from descrimination.


DISABILITY PREVALENCE It is not surprising that there is such as large proportion of people with disabilities live in rural areas given that 80% of Malawi’s population do not live in urban areas. However, there is still a marked over representation (91%) of disability in rural areas. Access to healthcare an higher rates of poverty leading to disease are some of the driving factors behind this. There is a statistically significant variation in prevalence rates based on the regions in which people live. The Northern, more rural and sparsely populated, has significantly higher prevalence rates for both males and females. YOUTH AND DISABILITY It is anticipated that the population of Malawi will roughly triple between 2015 and 2050. There will be more young people than ever before. Census data reveals that young people are more likely to experience hearing disabilities than the general population although it is not clear why this would decrease in older age and there is no robust eviden


Tithandizane Charity Organization has received three bags of clothes and the organization employees are expecting to start the clothes distribution in different villages of Traditional Authority Njombwa,where by Tithandizane charity will be distributing clothes to the disabled  citizens in form of emergency relief starting from Wednesday this week..Many thanks should go to the well wishers who made this positive development happen.